Create imaginative atmospher

Featuring superb acoustic and lighting facilities, the Main Theatre is ideal for opera, ballet, and classical concerts.
Equipped with the latest facilities, the Theatre is reserved for dramas. dark tones achieve the maximum effect of lighting and acoustics are specially designed for speech to create a realistic atmosphere for performances. A forestage that has an orchestra pit makes the Theatre ideal for opera, musicals or ballet.


width, 14.4m; height, 8.9m; depth, 21m; 116 stage traps (width, 16m;depth, 11m); 39 battens (main stage); orchestra pit; 436 lighting circuits; 69 direct circuits
Seating capacity
804 (incl. 4 wheelchair seats); family rooms: 2
Dressing rooms
small, 3; medium, 5 large, 1
Loading bay
two 11-ton vehicles.